52 Project-2016-Exposure

I usually reference the histogram graph in post production, but the challenge this week was to use it in-production and judge exposure.

In general, dark tones from your photo are weighted to the left on the histogram graph and lighter tones to the right. Although there is no such thing as a perfect histogram graph, it can be a very useful tool.  The histogram will show you when your photo is overexposed (entire graph skewed to the right) or underexposed (entire graph skewed to the left), which will affect clarity of detail in the final exposure.

In the photo below, as a fun test, I metered off the green grass and then adjusted the shutter speed to push the histogram graph to the right. The result – I lost detail in the sky and overexposed the photo slightly.  A little post-production helped bring the color and details back.


Move on to the next photographer in the 52 Project blog circle, Carol Locey Photograpy serving Greater Cincinnati, OH, and check out her use of the histogram.

February 5, 2016 - 6:18 am

KellyM - Such a beautiful place to photograph. Wonderful image.

February 5, 2016 - 12:18 pm

Jodie - Lovely greenery , looks like you would have gorgeous views up there

February 12, 2016 - 12:25 am

Shelley Castle - So envious of the all that green! Great image.

52 Project-2016-The Zone System

This week’s assignment was to take photos using the Zone System scale; a system formulated by Ansel Adams and Fred Archer. The scale divides white, gray and black tones in between 11 Zones, with the middle – Zone V – as its neutral gray.  If used correctly, the scale ensures correct exposure every time in every situation!

The photos selected below provide a few examples of what happens when you spot meter off of different Zones and how I should have adjusted my exposure.  All are SOOC.

52 Project-Zone System 1 52 Project-Zone System 2
Left photo:  I metered off of the dark brown fur, which was too dark, and the result was an overexposed photo.  Solution – increase f stop 2 stops towards Zone V.

Right photo: I metered off of the sky, which was too bright, and that caused an underexposed photo.  Solution – decrease f stop 2 stops towards Zone V.

Below photo: The final photo metered off of the lightest gray in the cement, closest to Zone V.

52 Project-Zone System 3

Go out this weekend and experiment with the Zone System; you’ll enjoy the results.  Now, visit the the next photographer in the project blog circle, Carol Locey Photography serving the Greater Cincinnati, OH area.

January 29, 2016 - 8:43 am

Susannah - Great job! I love the execution of the Zone System!

January 29, 2016 - 2:16 pm

KellyM - Your images are perfect for explaining the process. :O)

January 30, 2016 - 3:23 am

Jodie - perfect image for explaining process, such a happy face

January 30, 2016 - 5:44 pm

Trina - What a happy dog!

52 Project-2016-New

New Year…New Toys.   The year 2016 starts with a basket filled with my pup’s favorite toy.  Endless play and happiness.

52-Project-2016-NewThe 52 Project consists of a group of professional pet photographers that post themed photos on their blog site each week for one year.   Please continue on to the next blog post by visiting Future Framed Photography.   Happy New Year!

January 8, 2016 - 7:45 am

Susannah - Wow! That’s a fun basket! I’m guessing you have one very happy pup!

January 8, 2016 - 12:46 pm

Karen - Happy and spoiled rotten. Ha ha ha. Happy New Year.

January 9, 2016 - 5:58 am

Carol - Wow! That is one lucky dog!!!

January 9, 2016 - 10:29 am

Sharon Stokes - What a lucky dog!!

January 13, 2016 - 9:17 pm

Pavlina S - What an endless supply! This is so exciting!!!! Best way to start a new year, will see how many will be left in the middle of the year 🙂

January 14, 2016 - 11:31 pm

Elaine - Our dog, Burton, just quit these Chuck It balls cold turkey. We can’t figure out why. Normally he went everywhere with one in his mouth. Maybe I need to put a basket together like this one?


This week’s theme is Solitude.  Definition – the state or situation of being alone or a lonely or uninhabited place.

This parking lot is normally filled with parked cars and shuttles transporting guests to the Raging Water Park.  But, during the Winter and Spring it sits vacant and quiet and is only visited by local walkers or bikers.  There is beauty is its current state of tranquility. 52-Project-Solitude

Continue on to the next photographer in the blog circle, Cincinnati pet photographer, Suzi Pix Photography.

Project 52:  A group of professional pet photographers – all members of the Beautiful Beasties Network – that post themed photos on their blog each week for one year. Photos post every Friday.

Letters or Numbers

This week’s theme is Letters or Numbers – from signs, buildings and other places. 

I went a different route and had fun with a ‘letter soup’ theme.  Next time, I think I’ll try adding more letters to fill in some of the white space.   52-Project-Letters

Visit the next photographer in the 52 Project blog circle, About A Dog Photography in central Minnesota.  Enjoy the weekend!

May 15, 2015 - 5:37 am

Trina - Love your take on this week’s theme! Cute dog too!