Each week, members of the Beautiful Beasties network for international pet photographers choose a theme to post on their blog. This week’s 52 project theme is Blur. Photos in the project can consist of blur in the foreground, background or all throughout the image.
Here we have Xavi sitting patiently as Reyse and Meekah walk briskly in the background.
And Billy (the newest turtle member of our family) hiding in his shell as George races behind him.
Next up in the blog circle is Denver Pet Photographer, StinkDog Photos. Have a great weekend!
52 ON FRIDAYS | BLUR | The NCS Pet Photography - […] see more blur techniques, head on over to Spotty Nose Pet Photography, Los Angeles, California. And please be sure to follow all the links located at the bottom of every page all the way around […]
Sue - That second shot made me laugh out loud! Racing turtle…who knew?! ;o)
Deanna Hurt - Love the first shot, nice work. The turtles crack me up, I’ve never seen one that looked like it was was moving so fast!!
Tracy Sutherland - Racing turtles?! That made me giggle!
Darci - I just LOVE the way that first picture turned out. Nice work! And the turtles made me smile too, great shot.